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The nasal bones  5 undergo long term remodelling after rhinoplasty. Any irregularities especially on the upper part of the bridge will usually smooth out. Changes can be seen on X-rays taken over time. Edges of bone appear rounded off as if they were rubbed with sandpaper. These changes take one to three years because bone is hard. (Remodelling is seen in bone grafts on the bridge of the nose. They can show very dramatic changes even to the extent of almost totally disappearing.)

Cartilage  2, 4, 6 is totally different to bone. Cartilage does not remodel and nor does it unite together to form a single piece again. Cartilage can rise up between the nasal bones in the upper third of the nasal bridge. The cartilage may have turned downwards when the bridge was lowered and turned upwards again some time later. The projecting cartilage will have to be trimmed. Cartilage irregularities are occasionally found on the middle third and lower third of the nasal bridge. This is most likely to occur if a limited rhinoplasty was done with insufficient exposure of the skeleton. Further surgery will be necessary to smooth the cartilage with a sharp knife or scissors under direct vision. This is a much more difficult procedure for the surgeon than it sounds!

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