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Cost If Have Health Fund Insurance

(Assuming Highest Cover)

Updated 1 November 2018
Surgeon's fees:
45641 Rhinoplasty with graft from nose      $6,376.00
41672 Septal reconstruction 1,124.50
41692 SMR reduction of one turbinate 271.00
Total surgeon's fee $7,771.50
Medicare rebate 1,058.97
Fund rebate 353.00
Balance to pay $6,359.53
Occasional extra:
51300 Assistant surgeon 250.00
Medicare rebate 90.43
Fund Rebate 30.14
Balance to pay 129.43
General anaesthesia:
Anaesthetist (up to) 1,200.00
Medicare rebate 279.50
Fund Rebate (varies re fund) 92.47
Balance to pay (up to) $828.03
Total net medical fees      $7,316.99
Private hospital
Depends on level of cover
If $500 excess 500.00
But might only be $50
Total hospital charges 500.00
(Fund rebates direct to hospital)
Balance to pay $500.00
Total net hospital charges ? less $500.00
Total out of pocket $7,816.99

Hospital charges are for Castlecrag Private Hospital, effective November 2017.

NB: Your rebates will be less if you do not have highest hospital cover. Lesser tables may have an excess or copayment up to $1,000 to pay to the hospital.

The anaesthetist fee depends on the length of the operation. The listed anaesthetist fee is only an approximation.

The hospital charges your fund varying amounts depending on your fund's contract with the hospital.

Sometimes there is a need to do a supplementary operation such as alar base reduction at 6 months. That is charged for separately and is usually performed under local anaesthetic at the Brookvale rooms.

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