Introduction Background Anatomical study History Dynamic tip Bridge support Photo planning Operation Results Publications |
Template Rhinoplasty ResultsThese results represent one person's experience and there is no gurantee that any other patient will experience similar results.
The described operative technique produces excellent profile matches for primary rhinoplasty. Secondary rhinoplasty is less reliable probably because there is some pre-existing slackness of the lateral alar ligament and reduction of the ligament length by the calculated length does not elevate the tip as much as expected. Thus, the secondary post-op profile may have a slightly drooping tip. This can be corrected by tertiary ligament shortening as an office procedure. Very little supra tip swelling is seen post-operatively even when the nose is maximally reduced because the alar setback drives redundant skin to the lateral osteotomies. The alar cartilages are minimally reduced with this method and the overlying skin remains attached thereto.
Improvement in the nasal airway is the rule with this technique. This is particularly so if Cottle's test (lateral cheek tension improves the airway) was positive pre-operatively. Shortening the alar ligament stiffens the lateral nasal wall where it often collapses inward on inspiration. Snoring is usually improved as well. |