Anatomical study
Dynamic tip
Bridge support
Photo planning
Template Rhinoplasty Operation
- Mark forehead key
- Mark bridge reduction with template on side of nose
- Inject local anaesthetic and adrenaline as usual
- Incise septal mucosa at junction of mobile and fixed mucosa
and cross cut for reference
- Expose septal caudal margin and reduce as planned
- Intra- or inter-cartilaginous vestibular incision extends
laterally to pyriform margin
- Resect measured amount of lateral alar ligament and mucosa
- Carefully elevate skin and underlying muscle off the upper
lateral cartilages
- Skeletonise pyramid widely and reduce dorsum until matches
new bridge line
- Medial nasal osteotomy
- Lateral nasal osteotomy via lateral alar ligament window
- In-fracture and bone graft to dorsum and lateral osteotomy if
- Suture septal mucosa according to planned setback, suture
lateral alar ligaments and suture vestibular incisions
- Tape, splint and pack nose
- Eye pads to reduce peri orbital ecchymosis
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